17 years of professional experience. Delivering ALL photos, not just the top shots. Professional backups, Professional Service. WPPI Certified. 700+ Weddings shot to date
Newborn 1hr Lifestyle (Bronze package)
1hr session, in home, in a lifestyle setting. This means instead of bringing my full mobile studio, all backdrop & all props with me, I use your space to set the scene and feel. (The package does still include one basket or bucket setup! Instead of using a backdrop, I use your space, see examples below!)
This session is perfect for older newborns, as they typically don't settle as well into/onto props (they just want to be held!) Most clients use their bedroom, or living room as a backdrop, and we use natural light - often mom / dad in front of a window with light streaming in. This session doesn't rely on props/outfits, so baby is often naked, or just in an outfit provided by mom and dad. This session is more about the connection between you, your family & baby.
Included in this package: 1hr lifestyle session, using 1-2 wraps and the client's space. Also included: 1 basket or bucket setup (no backdrop), shot using either your space, or a flokati (fuzzy rug) under the bucket or basket). Examples of setups may mean using your own hardwood floor, or a fuzzy rug under the bucket if you've got carpet. The following are examples of bucket type shots created without a backdrop, and would count as the bucket setup included in this package:

In the images above, the camera angles are mostly shot down, which means there is no need for a backdrop. If you have a plain wall, or open window (think high key backlit), then angles could also be shot more side on. For comparison, the following images (below) are backdrop type shots and would require a mobile studio type booking. These have been set up with a backdrop stand, giant bean bag pillow, positioners and posers, and require time and an extended session to pose and settle baby. The backdrop looks seamless and is continuous from "wall" to "floor":
More "Lifestyle" Samples:

Calgary newborn photographer, Calgary Newborn photography, Lifestyle Newborn Photography